Event Information
Date Backup Date
Wednesday 14th May 2025 Tuesday 20th May 2025
9.00 am Arrival Time - Teachers will not be on duty until this time
9.45 am Opening followed by the start of 8/9 race. There will be no walking of the track prior to races.
1.30 pm approx finish time. Students may leave following their event after they have signed out with the school team manager. When leaving be careful not to cut across the running track.
Maitland Touch Fields, Maitland Park. See attached map of track below.
Arrival/Departure –All parents are to park at the Maitland Showground Carpark. Please DO NOT enter Maitland Park as it will gridlock and be a safety hazard to our student pedestrians. The Showground will have Rotary there for parking - $2 per car. Entry is to be via Anzac St and Exit via Louth Park Road.
Criteria to Nominate
Entries are on a School basis only. Each school is entitled up to 3 entries per event.
Multi class runners: All athletes in a Multi-Class event are to have completed paperwork with Classification and sent to Bernadette Duggan 1 week PRIOR to the Diocesan carnival (Multiclass application). They must be on the National Master Classification List.
Age Distance Qualifying Time
Age Distance Qualifying Time
Girls 8/9 yrs 2kms 13 mins
Boys 8/9 yrs 2kms 11 mins
Girls 10 yrs 2kms 13 mins
Boys 10 yrs 2kms 11 mins
Girls 11 yrs 3kms 18 mins
Boys 11 yrs 3kms 16 mins
Girls 12/13yrs 3kms 18 mins
Boys 12/13 yrs 3kms 16 mins
$15 per student to be paid to your school via the schools payment system 1 week prior to the diocesan event
Please contact your school sport coordinator for any questions & further information.
There will be a bbq selling sausage sandwiches, bacon and eggs rolls, chicken burgers etc and drinks at the event for students to purchase.
Polding Cross Country
The fastest 8 runners will represent the Diocese at Polding held at Sydney Equestrian Centre on the 11th June. Paperwork for Polding will be given out at the finish line and parents will need to register on the csnsw.sport website within 3 days of the Dio event.
Below is a list of full results and times from the 2025 Diocesan Cross Country:
The Top 8 Students from each age division will represent Maitland Newcastle at Polding Cross Country
Please click here for our code of conduct for parents, carers and other spectators attending school sporting events.