• Event Information
  • Order of Events/Rules
  • Diocesan Results and Representatives
  • Polding Results and Representatives

2025 MNPSSA Athletics Championships

Event Information

All students must have been selected at their regional athletics carnival to compete at MN Diocesan Athletics Carnival

Wednesday 6th August 2025

9.45am - 2.00pm approximately.

No students are to enter the centre prior to 9.00am. The gates will open at 9.00am and students are to meet their regional team managers in their allocated seating area. There will be signs up along the fence.
Students are to remain in the care of their regional team managers all day except when competing in an event.

Hunter Sports Centre, Stockland Drive Glendale 
Important Parking Information

Criteria to Nominate

Entries: are on a Regional basis only. Each Region is entitled to 2 entries per event, except for 100m (3 entries) and 1500m. All 1500m entrants must meet the qualifying times below regardless of placing. 

1500m Diocesan qualifying times

 1500m  Boys  Girls  
Junior 6:20.00 7:00.00 
11yrs   6:10.00 6:40.00 
12/13 yrs  6:00.00 6:20.00

Regions may send a 3rd Athlete to the Diocesan carnival if they meet the following qualifying times and distances. Regional to Diocesan 3rd place Qualifier

Athletes in a mutli class event are to have completed paperwork with Classification and sent to Bernadette Duggan 1 week PRIOR to the Diocesan carnival (multiclass application). They must be on the National Master Classification List. See school sport coordinator for form.

Eligibility: For age events a competitor is eligible for that age event for which his/her significant birthday occurs during the year. Age groupings where applicable shall be: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 years

Categories: 12, 13 Years (senior), 11 Years  (11 yrs) & 8, 9, 10 Years (junior) except relays which will be:

           SENIOR: 11, 12, 13 Years and JUNIOR   8, 9, 10 Years

Small Schools Relay (PP5 - enrolment 26-54 pupils)(PP6 - enrolment 1-25 pupils)

   All Multi-Class events- JUNIOR 8,9,10 and SENIOR 11, 12 ,13 Years. This includes 100m event.


$15 per student to be paid to your school admin 1 week prior to the diocesan trial.

Order of Events will be available under “order of events/rules” 3 days prior to the event. Please contact your school sport coordinator for any questions & further information.

Limited programs will be available on the day for $2.

Diocesan Merchandise will be available to purchase at the event. See merch available 

There will be a QR code available on the day for live results. 

Discus Entries - See form below

Discus Form 

ORDER OF EVENTS (Final order of events posted 3 days prior to event)





Entry forms must be lodged with the Education Officer PD/H/PE at the Catholic Schools Office by the specified date.

Where qualifying standards are set all entrants must have bettered the standard at their respective Regional Carnival

Entries are on a Regional basis only – entries will not be accepted from individual schools.



For age events a competitor is eligible for that age event for which his significant birthday occurs during the year.

CHILDREN AGED: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 years.

Age Divisions: Senior 12,13 years, 11 years division 11 yrs & Junior: 8, 9, 10 years

Note- senior relay 11,12,13

Para Athletes- Junior = 8,9,10 Senior = 11,12,13

A competitor may not compete out of his/her age group. Some events have qualifying times/distances to be eligible for dio.


Each Region will advise respective representatives of the uniform to be worn.


7mm spikes may be worn in races where children run in individual lanes. SPIKES NOT PERMITTED IN PACKED STARTS


May be used (NOT COMPULSORY) – must be the starting blocks from the centre.


Carnivals will be conducted in accordance with the Rules set down by the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Primary Schools Sports Association.



The first 2 places from each heat and then the next fastest times to complete the field of 8 shall proceed to the 100m Final.

In Relays, where heats are held – the fastest times will be placed. (NO FINALS)

200M track events, where heats are held – the fastest times will be places (NO FINALS)


All track events will be run in lanes, except 800m & 1500m.

Any competitor who runs out of his/her lane may be disqualified.

In heats, competitors will run in the lanes as shown in the official program.

In finals, competitors will run in the lanes allocated by the Referee.


In track events all races shall be started by the actual report of a pistol (or similar apparatus) fired upwards into the air but not before all the competitors are quite still on their marks.

the words of the starter shall be –

“On your marks”


and when all competitors are “set” the pistol shall be fired.

If for any reason the Starter has to speak to any competitor either before or after the word “set”, he shall order all competitors to stand up and re-commence his starting procedure.

On the command “set” all competitors shall at once and without delay assume their full and final set position. Failure to comply with this command after a reasonable time shall constitute a false start.

If a competitor leaves his mark with hand or foot after the word “set” but before the shot is fired, it shall be considered a false start.

In the event of a false start the Starter will recall the competitors with a second shot.

Starting blocks may be used – competitors using starting blocks must have both feet in contact with the ground.

At the start, competitors must place hands and feet behind the starting line.

800 Metres start (PACKED START) the words of the starter shall be – “ON YOUR MARKS” GUN


Any competitor making a false start shall be warned. Only one false start per race shall be allowed without the disqualification of the athlete(s) making the false start. Any athlete(s) making further false starts in the race shall be disqualified from the race.


In track events, competitors shall be placed in the order in which any part of their bodies (i.e. “torso” (including neck) as distinguished from head, arms, legs, hands, feet) reach the nearer edge of the finish line.



Track & field competitors must report to the marshalling area when called for an event. Competitors must inform their team managers of their whereabouts at all times.

Competitors shall take their attempts in the order as shown on the official programme.

Shot Put and Long Jump competitors will be permitted 3 trials only.

LONG JUMP: each competitor will have 3 jumps in rotation. Placings shall be decided according to the best jump from any round. In the event of a tie, the relative placings shall be decided by the next best jump on count back.

HIGH JUMP: If a competitor is not present during a round he/she is not entitled to an attempt at that round. Competitors will have three (3) attempts at each height in rotation only if present during that round.

Three successive failures shall exclude a competitor. Ties will be


The competitor with the lowest numbers of jumps at the height at

which the tie occurs shall be awarded the higher place.

2. If the tie remains, the competitor with the lowest total of failures

throughout the competition up to and including the height last cleared shall be awarded the higher place. If necessary a jump off for advancement will be used.

Qualifying Heights/Rises (these may be altered at the discretion of the convenor)

BOYS Juniors/0.9m by 5cm to 1.15m then by 3cm.

11 yrs/1.00m by 5cm to 1.20m then by 3cm,

Seniors 12/13 yrs/1.05m by 5cm to 1.35m then by 3cm.

GIRLS Juniors/0.90m by 5cm to 1.05cm then by 3cm

11 yrs/1.00m by 5cm to 1.15m then by 3cm.

Seniors 12/13 yrs/ 1.05cm by 5cm to 1.30m then by 3cm.

SHOT PUT Weights: Junior 2kg, 11 yrs 2 kg, Seniors 3kg

Multi Disability- junior 2kg, senior 3kg. Placings shall be decided

According to the best puts from any round of the competition. In the event of a tie the relative placings shall be decided by the next best throw on a count back.


Each team must consist of four (4) competitors from the same school.

No competitor may run two (2) sections for a team.

The take-over zone shall be twenty (30) metres (i.e. ten (10) metres before and after the stage scratch line), which shall be clearly marked on the track. Team members other than the first runner may

commence running ten (10) metres before the take-over zone. A distinctive mark will be made in each lane to indicate this extended limit.

The baton must be passed within the take-over zone.

The baton must be carried in the hand throughout the race provided that, if dropped, it must be recovered by the athlete who dropped it.

A competitor may make a check mark on the track within his own lane but may not place marking objects on or alongside the track.


All protests must be submitted in writing by the senior team manager to the Carnival Convenor within fifteen (15) minutes of the incident or results being posted. The Protest Committee shall consist of the Referee, President of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Primary Schools Sports Association or nominee and Convenor.


Each Region representative team must be accompanied by Team Managers. There is to be no more than three (3) teachers per Team.


Events shall be held in the sequence and at the times indicated, however, the Carnival Referee may vary if necessary.


Track events shall take precedence over field events.


Parents, coaches and other unauthorised persons are not allowed in the marshalling and time keeping areas or inside the arena. Once participants are in the hands of officials controlling the event, they shall not receive any coaching or advice.



Students must compete in all events registered for. If a student withdraws from an event, they may be disqualified from entering any further events that day.

Congratulations to the successful athletes progressing to the Polding Athletics Championships in the MN Athletic Team 

Congratulations to the following students who gained selection into the Polding Athletics Team: