- Event Information
- Draft Draw / Rules
- Results
- NSWCCC Representatives
Event Information
Date Backup Date
Thursday 8th May 2025 TBA
9.30 am Official Opening
10.00am Races Commence
Glenbawn Dam
All entry is via the gated carpark. There will be a fee for entry. Broad’s Crossing is open so take the turn at the Segenhoe Inn (Rouchel Road)
Criteria to Attend
All students must have been selected at their school level to compete at MN Diocesan Cross-Country Selections
Cost: ________
Please contact your school sport coordinator for any questions & further information.
Age Divisions (age turning in the year of competition) and event distances are as follows:-
12 Years BOYS 3000m and GIRLS 3000m
13 Years BOYS 3000m and GIRLS 3000m
14 Years BOYS 4000m and GIRLS 4000m
15 Years BOYS 4000m and GIRLS 4000m
16 Years BOYS 6000m and GIRLS 4000m
17 Years BOYS 6000m and GIRLS 4000m
18+ Years BOYS 8000m and GIRLS 6000m
- Athletes in a Multi Class event (ACME) BOYS 3000m and GIRLS 3000m
Please note that the championship convenor reserves the right to alter the course at any time to maximise competitor safety
Additional Information
- No school is permitted to leave until ALL events are finished and students/staff are off the course
- Teams are a maximum of 8 runners per age group. The first 8 runners will need to record their details at the finish line. The first 4 count towards the team point score
- First 6 runners per age group are eligible for NSWCCC Cross Country Carnival and are to notify the officials at the finish line if they are going to attend the NSWCCC event. Paperwork is to be collected at the finish line.
- No i-pods, ear phones or music is permitted on course to ensure safety of competitors
- Age & gender MUST be written on upper right arm & lower left leg of competitors BEFORE starting race
- Students are advised that the course involves hills, gully’s, sealed and unsealed roads & paths, with some of the course near water so students must stick to the course and proceed with caution
- Students are to go to their nearest checkpoint if they are in trouble, injured or distressed. Alternatively send another runner to a checkpoint for help if required
- Students and staff MUST bring your own water.
- Students receive a ticket when they cross the finish line. This must be given to their team manager ASAP so that team points can be calculated.
- All students are permitted to stay within the immediate surrounds of the Eastern Foreshore park. Warmups are permitted in the area below the park, with students taking caution not to cross the course. Team mangers are responsible for their students where-a-bouts at all times
- No lunch break scheduled. Please ensure you eat throughout the day
- Students compete in the age group they are turning that school year
Please find attached our top 8 runners in each age group from Diocesan Cross Country trials. The top 6 from each age group now progress to represent our diocese at CCC Selections.
Congratulations to the following students who placed at the NSWCCC cross country selections to be part of the NSWCCC Team:
NSW All Schools Results
Please click here for our code of conduct for parents, carers and other spectators attending school sporting events.