2025 MNSSSA Athletics Championships
Championship Dates –
All students must have been selected at their school athletics carnival to compete at MN Diocesan Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 20th August 2025
8.15am - 3pm approximately.
No students are to enter the centre prior to 8.15. The gates will open at 8.15 and students are to meet their team managers in their allocated seating area.
8.45AM - Opening Ceremony
Hunter Sports Centre, Stockland Drive Glendale.
Map of venue and seating plan
Cost: See school Sport Coordinator
School sport uniform is to be worn. Do NOT wear any CCC or other incorrect/rep item of uniform.
Students are to bring their own:
- 7mm spikes may be worn in races where children run in individual lanes. Spikes are not permitted in packed starts. Runners choosing to use starting blocks must use the centres
- Starting blocks may be used (NOT COMPULSORY) – must be the starting blocks from the centre
- In 100 and 200m events students will run in a numbered bib and the 4th runner in the relay.
- Students are reminded to wear sunscreen and to bring plenty of water.
- Medics will be available on the day. Please bring Puffer and/or epipen, and any other medication, if required.
Hurdles and Walk events are not run at the Diocesan carnival please complete the below application form if you wished to be considered. Applications close:26th July 2024
Hurdles and Walk Nomination Form
Limited programs will be available on the day for $2.
There will be a QR code available on the day for live results.
Further Presentation
NSW CCC Athletics Championships
Monday 15th September 2025
Sydney Olympic Park Homebush
Entry forms must be lodged with the Education Officer at the Catholic Schools Office by the specified date.
Maximum two (2) competitors per track, throw and jump event in each age division
Where qualifying standards are set all entrants must have bettered the standard at their respective School Carnival.
Entries are on a School basis only – entries will not be accepted from individual students.
Applications for Hurdles and Walk events must be submitted to the Education Officer Convenor by the due date. Competitors will be notified of their progression to CCC for these events on the day of the Diocesan Carnival.
For age events a competitor is eligible for that age event for which their significant birthday occurs during the year. Age is at the 31 December (i.e. the age the Competitor turns this year).
A competitor may not compete out of his/her age group except for Open events (such as Triple Jump)
A competitor may enter as many events in their age group as they wish.
Each School competitor must wear their school sport uniform. (Running singlet /shirt is acceptable).
SPIKES ARE PERMITTED in track events where students run in allocated lanes (7MM )
The Carnival will be conducted in accordance with the Rules set down by the Diocese of Maitland- Newcastle Secondary Schools Sports Association.
Unless otherwise stated I.A.A.F. Rules will apply.
The fastest NINE times from the 100 metres heats will be placed in the Final.
In divisions/age groups where there are 9 or less competitors the HEAT will be declared and automatic FINAL
All track events will be run in lanes except 1500 metres and 800 metres.
Any competitor who runs out of his/her lane may be disqualified.
In finals, competitors will run in the lanes allocated by the Referee.
Track competitors should report to the marshalling area immediately after their event is called.
Track events MUST take precedence over field events
Competitors must return to the finishing post in their respective lanes until places are allotted. They must then report to the recording tables as soon as places are allotted.
In track events all races shall be started by the actual report of a pistol (or similar apparatus) fired upwards into the air but not before all the competitors are quite still on their marks.
The words of the starter shall be:
and when all competitors are “set” the pistol shall be fired.
If for any reason the Starter has to speak to any competitor either before or after the word “set”, he shall order all competitors to stand up and re‑commence his starting procedure.
On the command “set” all competitors shall at once and without delay assume their full and final set position. Failure to comply with this command after a reasonable time shall constitute a false start.
If a competitor leaves his mark with hand or foot after the word “set” but before the shot is fired, it shall be considered a false start.
In the event of a false start the Starter will recall the competitors with a second shot.
Starting blocks maybe used – competitors using starting blocks must have both feet in contact with the ground.
At the start competitors must place hands and feet behind the starting line.
800 Metres start (PACKED START) – the words of the starter shall be:
A competitor causing a false start shall be warned if it is the first and disqualified for a second breach.
In track events competitors shall be placed in the order in which any part of their bodies (i.e. “torso" {including neck} as distinguished from head, arms, legs, hands, feet) reach the nearer edge of the finish line.
In the event of a tie, I.A.A.F. Rule 167 (par. 1) shall apply.
Competitors shall take their attempts in the order as shown on the official programme.
For Shot Put, Long Jump, Discus and Javelin competitors will be permitted three (3) trials only.
In the events of ties, I.A.A.F. Rules 180/181 (par. 2, 3 as applicable) will apply.
Where track and field events are on simultaneously track events take precedence
Competitors MUST register their name at the field event prior to competing in any track event and return immediately to complete their field event once the track event has been completed.
Each team must consist of four (4) competitors from the same school.
Once a team has competed the composition of the team must not be altered, except in the case of injury or illness.
No competitor may run two (2) sections for a team.
The take‑over zone shall be thirty (30) metres (i.e. ten (10) metres before and after the stage scratch line), which shall be clearly marked on the track. Team members other than the first runner may commence running ten (10) metres before the take‑over zone. A distinctive mark will be made in each lane to indicate this extended limit.
The baton must be passed within the take‑over zone.
The baton must be carried in the hand throughout the race provided that, if dropped, it must be recovered by the athlete who dropped it.
A competitor may make a check mark on the track within his own lane but may not place marking objects on or alongside the track.
If a competitor is entered in both a track and a field event, or in more than one field event taking place simultaneously, the appropriate Referee may, for one round at a time, or for each trial in high jump, allow the competitor to take his/her trial in order different from that decided upon by the draw prior to the start of the competition. If an athlete subsequently decides not to attempt a trial or is not present for his/her trial, it shall be considered a fault once the period allowed for the trial has elapsed.
Should an accident occur, the teacher/s in charge of the event are to fill out an accident form and return it to the recording area. The team manager is also required to complete this. The injured athlete should report to the First Aid Officer at the ground.
All protests must be submitted in writing to the Carnival Manager by the School team manager within fifteen (15) minutes of the incident.
The Protest Committee shall consist of the Education Officer (Secondary Sports), Referee, President of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Secondary Schools Sports Association or their nominee and the Carnival Manager.
Each School team must be accompanied by at least one (1) male teacher and one (1) female teacher as Team Manager.
Events shall be held in the sequence and at the times indicated, however, the Carnival Referee may vary if necessary.
Track events shall take precedence over field events.
Parents, coaches and other unauthorised persons are not allowed in the marshalling or time keeping areas. Once participants are in the hands of officials controlling the event, they shall not receive any coaching or advice.